Monday, December 20, 2004

Right Here, Right Now

My daughter taught me a lesson on being in and enjoying the present moment this morning.

She was getting ready to brush her teeth and the toothpaste tube was just about finished, so she was twisting and squeezing until she finally spread some paste on her toothbrush.

She was so happy, she ran to me and proudly and excitedly described what she had done.

I tried to be as joyful as she was but couldn't as the normal everyday worries kept crowding my mind and forcing the fun out.

I realized that unless I made a serious attempt to stop the incoming thoughts and analyses and intrusions, I wouldn't be able to be as happy as I should for her.

And that was the point. I should have shared in her joy because together we would have created this wonderful...thing...that would have kept us both energized for the day.

It's too bad that as adults we lose or forget the ability to live in the present moment.

Got to get it back.

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