Friday, March 18, 2005

The Boys of Summer

Spring training.

Once, I would have relished those words like no other. It meant longer days, cool nights, the smell of cut grass...blahhhh!

Look, major league baseball is sick with an incurable wasting disease. The smell of decay is now leaking out for all to whiff. Steroids, insider trading, a used car salesman running a rudder-less ship, blaming the fans and moving once vibrant, viable and valuable franchises for a pittance...problems ad nauseum.

Baseball used to be a modern type of rite of passage for North American boys. Perhaps not as usefull as those of the Bantu or Iroquois, but just as neccessary.

Now it's become a mockery.

I really did love the grand old game, once upon a time. Now it's enough to make me hurl.

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