Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Doe Do

Mike Doe said:

"Our perception of time is not accurate.

Flowers do not decay, they are eaten.

Water does not flow downhill. The actions of two bodies with non-zero mass (ie. The earth and the water) causes a distortion of space-time such that the two bodies move towards each other.

Sometimes our perceptions are just not accurate reflections of reality.

When a leaf falls off a tree the earth will be drawn to the leaf and the leaf to the earth. If the leaf was the size of the earth it would be an equal match. Since the leaf is much smaller than the earth the earth tends to stay put.

That is the physics.

The rest is our intepretation of what we perceive. It is workable but it is not accurate."

Always try to look beyond the surface. That's where the treasure lies.

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